Core Solution Capabilities:
Gain transparency across business areas to
realize further improvements, reduce costs, and
optimize business
Adjust and expand business processes quickly
and cost effectively
Develop new markets to reap the benefits of
local and global business
Collaborate efficiently among your employees,
partners, and customers across borders
Accelerate innovations throughout your
company based on solid insights for long-term
competitive advantage
Optimized financial processes
Focus on customers in marketing, sales and
distribution, and service
Promotion of employee potential through HR
and self-services
Systematic project management
Integrated production and logistics in supply
chain and manufacturing
Intelligent purchasing support
Compliance with applicable laws and standards
Fast implementation of integrated business
functions at a reasonable cost
Adaptation to new industry demands and
activities without business disruption
Ability to take quick action on market trends
and opportunities through more transparency
across business areas
Fast, efficient adaptation and expansion of
business processes without additional, costly
IT support